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Women’s Museum Hanoi

The excellent Women’s Museum (Bao Tang Phu Nu) at 36 Pho Ly Thuong Kiet gets good reviews from travellers. There’s the inevitable tribute to women soldiers, but, fortunately, there’s much more than that. On the 4th floor you can see different costumes worn by the 54 minority groups in Vietnam. This is one place where many of the exhibits have English explanations.

The museum is open from 8 am to 4 pm daily, and entrance costs 10,000d (US$0.80). See the Central Hanoi map.

The exhibits are displayed on an area of 1,200 m2 on two-storey building; the museum organized around five main themes:
- Vietnamese women in Vietnamese community.
- The involvement of Vietnamese women in the fight for national independence and national construction.
- The Vietnamese Women’s Association and its struggle to liberate women.
- The culture of Vietnamese women expresses through traditional handicraft products.
- Women costumes of the 54 Vietnamese ethnic groups.